walk forward and it will crash, some random NPC talks to me or around me and it will crash, I never know when or where it seems to happen VERY randomly. use an object (door, button, chain etc.) and it will crash, Talk to some random NPC to get or complete quest and it will crash. I could be fast traveling and it'll crash, be in the middle of combat and it will crash. (again I have NO mods installed yet as I'm going for the achievements and its a Clean reinstall of the game its self) So I'm doing my play though because I did notice a few quest changes in the game (small ones here and there and hell I even found some of the newer quests) But recently the game started CTDing on me for what seems like no reason. So here's the problem I have noticed that the game so far. I have tried the file verifying game to see if it needed repair it's done nothing. (yes I uninstalled it for a while then reinstalled it a few days ago) so there should be NO broken/orphaned scripts from uninstalled mods, because this time around I haven't installed any yet (not even from Bathesda nets site or workshop) hell I haven't even used the console commands! Ok so I've just reinstalled SE after playing it with mods a WHILE ago.